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17 Nov

Previously we have introduce a good site which let us earn free bitcoins, which is CoinAd. Now, let’s introduce another good site,

Compare with CoinAd, is much more simple. You only need to login, and click on the ‘Roll’ button. You can then got a random number, which is mapped to how much bitcoin you will earn. You may refer to the payout table to check how much you can earn. For example, in the captured picture below, if you roll a dice with number in between 0 & 9885, you will earn 0.00001. - interface playing result

Payment Proof allow user to group the pending earnings and pay at once. Few days ago, pay all the pending earnings on Monday. But it seems to changed to pay at certain threshold (0.00005460 BTC), we still need some time to see if the threshold is still changing.

imageYou may refer to the pic below for the payment proof of


Personnally I quite recommend as it is very simple, no need to enter long security code.

If you want to join, you may refer to the link below:


CoinAd – free bitcoin provider with best payout rate

17 Nov

Remember when bitcoin start being launched, there is only one way to get bitcoin, to mine. However after year’s of transformation, multiple methods of earning bitcoin have been developed, such as mining in pools, mining with special hardware, exchange with currencies market,etc. Now we have another more simple method, using CoinAd.

CoinAd is a simple site, which allows registered members to earn bitcoin through watching ads, just for a few seconds! There are many other similar sites. Member input their wallet address, view some ads, and then earn bitcoin. No skills are required. Then why use CoinAd?

1. CoinAd outstands herself by a better payout rate. Other sites such as DailyBitcoins, you can earn bitcoin by simply entering a specified code (just to proof you are human but not robot, to prevent spamming attacks). However, although action is simple, but you need to spend a lot of time on it. The reason is that each time you can only earn 0.000003 bitcoin (it said large prize will be randomly generated, but I haven’t seen it before), then you need to wait for an hour to do it again. Therefore your earning per day is limited. On the other hand, CoinAd can generate more. It show a list of available ads per day, and what you need to do is just to wait click on which ad you want to watch, input a specified code, wait for a few seconds (normally not exceed 20 seconds) , and finish! The number of seconds and how much bitcoin you will get, are clearly specified. The vest thing is the payout rate is high, normally 0.000014. Payment threshold is 0.0003, which mean you only need to watch 21 ads to cashout! It’s quick! Right?


2. No time limit. CoinAd let members to view ads as soon as they want. There are not limit on the interval time in between two views, whereas DailyBitcoins need member to wait one hour after each click! So members need to keep monitoring and coming back each hour!

3. CoinAd’s interface are much better, and formal. This give us a more professional impression. Trust me, there are a lot of worse sites which even does not allow members to check our own balances!

4. The Ads shown are always related to bitcoin, which mean that if you read on it, you may get new information on bitcoin mining!

5. Affiliate program is available. Each time your direct referrals click on PTC (Paid-to-Click) advertisements, not only do they get paid but you get paid too.
You get from 10 to 20% of your referrals earning by clicking PTC advertisements.

Register to earn free bitcoin:

Simply click on the link below and register, you can then start by clicking ‘View Ads’ on the top!

GovHK 香港政府一站通:創業(資本及籌劃)

24 Apr


GovHK 香港政府一站通:創業(資本及籌劃).


17 Apr

Recently I found a website of an Internet Radio from facebook. The site includes different kinds of topics such as spiritual things, investing, fashion, etc.

One of the topic which attracted me so well, is conspiracy.

The program gives a lot of details about some secret circles and organization, such as freemason and illuminati, which let me know a bigger picture of what is going on in this world.

Sometimes when you feel that things are not happening as you wish, don’t blame yourself. Who know that is there any unseen force controlling the whole game?

I don’t know what their aims are and what they are planning to do, but I’m really interested in what knowledge they are secretly holding…

If you are interested on this topic too,please leave a comment and discuss!

Glittery Aurora 002 is coming

16 Apr

十分感激大家對創刊號的支持,Glittery Aurora即將出版第二期!

