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Glittery Aurora 忙得不得了!

6 Apr

十分感激各方的支持,Glittery Aurora 微雜誌在創刊號出版後數天就得到不同人士在業務上合作的邀請。



Glittery Aurora as a Mini Magazine

24 Mar

號外! 請留意!

Glittery Aurora 即將以微雜誌的形式在網上出版!創刊號將於2013 年4月1日在本站發佈,讓大家免費下載。


1. 適合所有女性的現代創業模式 一個進行中的創業例子

2 . 打工令人迷失本性,員工欲拒還迎

3. 讀者為首的廣告專區

4. 短篇微小說 – 救贖

5. 還有更多…


A cheaper alternative of ‘For Dummies’ Series

23 Mar

No Dummies Series

Have you ever read the ‘For dummies’ book series?

I read it quite often, especially when I want to learn something new. It covers a lot of topics.

However, the books are quite expensive, and it took a lot of time to read one.

Therefore, I want to make something change.

Last year I have started an ebook series, which is named as ’24 Hours Learning Series’. The book series includes ebooks which is aimed to teach readers some topics within 24 hours. Topics includes Traditional Chinese Medicine, Online income, and more are coming.

What is ’24 Hours Learning Series’?
’24 Hours Learning Series’ is an ebook series which includes topics from different areas, such as online blogging, alternative healing methods, and more.

The aim of developing this ebook series, is to provide a way which let readers to improve their knowledge coverage in a short period of time, which is 24 hours, and through a cheap way.

Teenagers in my country have quite a boring life. They spend half a day for school, and go back home for computer games at night. Adults’ life sucks too, as there are no maximum limit of working hours, they spend whole they just to work. If you asked them what are your interests or hobbies, they just don’t know.

Therefore, I would like to develope a series of books which let people learn a specific topic in 24 hours. Even though they didn’t have a very deep understanding on the topic of reading the books, they can still get the basic knowledge and have a chance to feel if this is their interest.

Also, to let people read learn about more topics, all the books ar sold in very low prices, from USD 0.99 -2.99. I hope these can benifit to some people, at least in my country.

I need your help!
If you are interested to help, please help to :

1. like and share this post to everyone you know. This increase the chances of getting some fundings for the development of this book series


2. Kindly click th link below to help improve the page view and ranking of my funding campaign!

Your help will determine the future development of the book series!

Pavement is dead

16 Feb

Refer to my previous post, in order to extend and find more channels to get my ebooks to more readers, I have tried to do some e-commerce things to start a storefront in facebook, which is , using pavement.

Unfortunately, I received a mail from Pavement few days ago and it announced that Pavement will be closed. Instead, a new e-commerce company is created for users like me to continue my selling. You may refer to the details as below:


2 pavment closed




I have never heard Ecwid before, so I need to try it on.

Please stay tuned and I will share the Ecwid experience to you as soon as possible.

Kobo Writing Life: Congrats – You’ve sold a book!‏

14 Feb

Yesterday I received an email from Kobo, with a big and surprising message as below:


I have published my ebook to Kobo about a month ago, but since there are not much good news from the site, I have already given up and stop checking the Kobo selling status for long. Therefore, it was quite surprising that I’ve gotten a sale through Kobo.

Although this is just one book sale, but this really cheer me up and I think I should start concentrate on book publishing again!

E-book pricing

19 Jan

Making Book

Jeremy commented on the post Future book printing raising the question of e-book pricing.

I think we pretty much all believe at the moment that e-book revenue is additional to print revenue. Of course customers may stop supporting the printed book, and when they do we will have the problem Jeremy raises of amortizing our origination costs over sales of the e-book only. Even in today’s half-formed e-book world I think the problem is less than Jeremy fears. Most people who comment and agonize about e-book pricing are writing from the perspective of book buyers not book publishers. See for instance this article from Forbes on 14 January. There’s a lot of noise in these sorts of analyses created by self-published books — a boom industry now that it’s so easy to put your book out there in electronic form. The economics of self-publishing and regular publishing are wildly different…

View original post 1,047 more words

A new Storefront is opened in Lish!

17 Jan

Few weeks ago, I have learned about an e-commerce application named ‘Payvment’. It helps individuals to sell something they like on facebook page.


Besides, it also provide another storefront on Lish, another selling site, which is quite popular these days.


You may click on the above images to see the real storefront.

I’ve just put 2 products on the site, and more is coming.

Please go and check it out! A discount is available now, which you may buy the same product with much cheaper price than in Amazon!

5 Reasons To Consider Self-Publishing

17 Jan

Reject Rejection is a good idea:D

Self Publishing Advocate

Originally posted on 1889 Labs

1. Reject rejection
In the traditional publishing world, there’s a gauntlet of people standing in the way of making your publishing dreams happen, and rejection from anyone of them along the way can table your manuscript. Traditional publishers tend to gamble on works similar to what’s hot right now such as Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series or E.L. James’ BDSM erotica. If you fall out of this scope, self publishing gives you a chance to let the marketplace rather than gatekeepers from traditional publishers decide on your success.

2. It’s all about the money
Authors keep more of the profit with no middlemen like agents and publishing houses taking their cut. It’s not uncommon for authors to receive only 25-40 percent in royalties on their ebooks and print books from traditional publishers. Let’s say your ebook costs $6. After Amazon takes 30 percent, let’s say you…

View original post 302 more words

17 Jan

Reject Rejection is a good idea:D

Self Publishing Advocate

Originally posted on 1889 Labs

1. Reject rejection
In the traditional publishing world, there’s a gauntlet of people standing in the way of making your publishing dreams happen, and rejection from anyone of them along the way can table your manuscript. Traditional publishers tend to gamble on works similar to what’s hot right now such as Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series or E.L. James’ BDSM erotica. If you fall out of this scope, self publishing gives you a chance to let the marketplace rather than gatekeepers from traditional publishers decide on your success.

2. It’s all about the money
Authors keep more of the profit with no middlemen like agents and publishing houses taking their cut. It’s not uncommon for authors to receive only 25-40 percent in royalties on their ebooks and print books from traditional publishers. Let’s say your ebook costs $6. After Amazon takes 30 percent, let’s say you…

View original post 302 more words


16 Dec

Just started reading the book “Happier than god” and learn about ‘Law Of Attraction” these days. Quite Amazing.

Leave a like or comment if you heard that before too!