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Land Of Bitcoin – auto earn without doing anything

17 Nov

Just found another great site for earning free bitcoin, and would like to share with all of you. The site is named Land Of Bitcoin, and the greatest thing of this site is that, you do not need to do anything to earn bitcoin. You just need to register for a new account, and then wait.

After you log into your new accoutn, you will be directed to the page as captured as below. You will found that the blue horizontal status bar on the top-right hand corner keep auto counting. Even you didn’t do anything. That is how you earn bitcoin from Land Of Bitcoin. You just need to wait the blue bar to increase, and so do the bitcoin value.

Whenever the bitcoin value is positive, you can click on the Cashout button to get paid. Even you only got 0.00000006 as captured in the picture below, you can still cashout.

land of bitcoin - auto earn without doing anything

But, if the cashout amount is too small, the payment is still delayed as a pending payment. Once you have got 0.0001 bitcoin, the pending amount will be sent to your bitcoin wallet!

Land Of Bitcoin - Earn Bitcoin by doing nothing

That’s it! No need to click ads, no need to enter security code, you just need to login and let your computer wait. Bitcoin will come in by itself.

The site also has some referrals to other free bitcoin earning site. You may try on it if you are free.

Now, if you are interested on earning easy bitcoin, click on the link below and register!

網絡上 免費宣傳 , 小型創業人士的必需品!

25 Aug 免費宣傳

在現在的商業社會, 賣命式的打工已經不再是唯一的工作及賺錢方式. 隨著網路發展, 不少年輕人, 即使沒本錢,沒經驗,也能好好地在網上創業, 大展拳腳, 不再需要如傳統的打工方式一般, 聽取上司的無理的吩咐, 完全自由. 但雖說現在在網上創業可以做到零成本開店, 但要做到 免費宣傳 其實還雖要一些技巧, 若沒有基本的網絡認知, 可能花了一大筆錢作宣傳也無任何成效.


現在網上有本少聲稱能替你以十分便宜的收費幫大家做宣傳, 但付了錢後, 卻沒有做宣傳. 客人的網站, 在Google 搜尋引擎上完全找不到. 這不是騙錢嗎?

如果要真上做到在網上免費宣傳, 其實不是不可能. 只是要找到合適的 ” 工具 “.


要自己的 網站或網店讓更多人認識, 首先就是要讓你的網頁在Google 上出現, 並在數首十頁搜尋結果內出現. 而要做到這樣, 你的網頁, 或是你是宣傳文章一定要在一個同類型的網站上有找到.

比如說, 你寫了一段介紹自己的產品的文字, 你也要貼在 Facebook 及 Twitter 之類才有人看到吧? 同樣, 你要把這段文字, 貼到一些以宣傳主的網頁. 因為這類網頁通常在Google 搜尋結果的排名上做了不少功夫, 所以你在這些網上作宣傳, 就容易跟著一起在Google 上得到更前的名次, 從而出現在首數頁的搜尋結果中, 得到更多訪客, 大大增加客人數量. 這可說是最易做的 免費宣傳 方法.


然而, 究竟哪兒找到這類可幫忙作免費宣傳的網站呢?

這個問題的確是十分麻煩. 因為在一般Facebook 之類大型網站弄個專屬的網頁, 並不一定有很多人能留意到及找到, 而在論壇上宣傳, 又很易被論壇版主因宣傳意圖是被禁止的而被封鎖. 所以要找到適合的網站, 其實是要不怕失敗地試.

為了方便大家, 筆者就找了一個讓大家 免費宣傳 自己的產品及服務的網站:


大家不妨試一試. 筆者測試過, 寫了一段短短的宣傳, 一日來就來了數百個訪客. 免費宣傳來說, 個人認為是不錯的效果.


Writing the best articles

30 Jun

Recently I am trying to import my articles’ quality instead of quantity. Then, I found that I take about 1 day to write a 700 words article.

How long did you take to write an article or blog post.

Another issue is, although I understand that to earn more money from an article and attract more customer the article need to have some keywords which are in the current trend. However, normally the popular keywords is not in a topic that I’m interested in or even don’t know anything about it.

So,which do you think is more important? Good keywords but rubbish content, or great content but no keywords plan so that no one come from search engines is better?

Dropship challenges – Dropship Wholesale Suppliers

24 Jun

Dropshipping is a comparatively new business model which the seller does not need to invest any money on stocking products.

Compare with normal business models, seller always need to invest a large amount of money, such as 10 thousand dollars, to buy in some products from wholesaler. The amount is always much larger, but seldom less than 10 thousand dollars. Then the seller has the product to sell to customer. Therefore, a seller always need to do a lot of savings or work hard on getting as much funding as possible from investors before starting his or her own business. (which is hard!)

Now with dropshipping, a seller does not need so much investment. To be more accurate, seller does not need to invest any money before starting his or her own business, but they can still get …

Read more:

Impressive Ideas – Energy By Water – New Solution For Renewable Energy

27 Apr

I am searching for details about conspiracy these days, and I found this interesting thing- Energy by Water.

Generating energy through water is not a new topic, but I am impressed by the presentation skills of the product owner. That’s why I keep on reading the details of his product.

Then, I found that this product owner is trying to tell us not to how to the energy companies. Instead, generate our own product. This makes me think of some topics about conspiracy.

Here is how he describes his ‘machine’:

Here’s how it works:

1. With a PMT system, your home-based water generator needs only a small “jump start” to begin moving.

2. Then, using fundamental principles of physics, the system uses its own momentum, to create a powerful self-sustaining energy “cycle.”

3. It creates the energy you need while at the same time takes a little of that energy to power itself.

The result: A perfect balance between energy creation for you AND using usage by the system to keep itself running.

It doesn’t get any more fantastic than that!
Now, you can finally redefine the way your household power is being created.
You can control your energy production for the first time ever!

If you are interested on the product, you may refer to the site below for the owner’s presentation:

GovHK 香港政府一站通:創業(資本及籌劃)

24 Apr


GovHK 香港政府一站通:創業(資本及籌劃).

Just tried FlyingV

18 Apr

If you have read my previous posts, you may already know that I want to try on some group funding site besides of Indiegogo.

Few weeks ago, I found FlyingV, which is a funding site of Taiwan. It seems that it is very popular site in Asia as there are only a few similar sites in Asia, which support Chinese usage.

Flying V satisfied most of my needs, but I finally didn’t continue on the campaign creation. There are 2 reasons.

1. A introducing video is a MUST. This is much difficult than some proper pics!

2. It run the ‘All or nothing’ model. This mean if your funding doesn’t high enough to reach your goal, you get nothing, which is quite different than Indidgogo(you can choose to get money even you didn’t reach your goal).

So, I’ve given up Flying V. But if you are trying, please kindly leave me a comment and tell what you feel!

What do you think about url shortening services?

13 Apr

Hi All!

During this week I’m thinking of the efficiency of earning money from url shortening services, such as, or others.

What do you think?


Glittery Aurora is a free mini online magazine. Please feel free to download at:

Very Appreciate Your Help!

6 Apr


If you have read my previous post, you will know that there is an ongoing project which is planning to raise money for charity by using LAW OF ATTRACTION!

Yesterday I received a message from a supporter who proactively asked if any help is needed.

Her help is very appreciated! I believe her help will attract our donations! She give me the motivation to continue supporting this project!

If you would like to contribute yourself to the charity, which just cost you $5, please go to the following link to give us some help!

You can also show your support by giving this post a like, or share this post to your friends!

We need your help to achieve the goal!

Thank you!

Glittery Aurora 忙得不得了!

6 Apr

十分感激各方的支持,Glittery Aurora 微雜誌在創刊號出版後數天就得到不同人士在業務上合作的邀請。

